Tuesday, May 29, 2007

why? why everytime is u? why? why?
kana everything is me. why?
i hate myself!
i don want this to happen also. u thought i want arh.
i m tired. i really feel like sleep le don want wake up!
can give me a break. i just want a break. is that so hard?

i know i cant do that. but i must! i have two choices.
first- give up my dream follow my dad.
sec- give up my dad fulfil my dream.
i will choose the sec way. i m sorry!
but i have to do that. i really wanted to fulfil my dream.
i m sorry. i had to do that!

and i still got lots of thing havent done yet.
havent buy my wanted things.
havent fulfil my dream.
havent shop enough.
i still got a long long way to go!
i wont so easy fall.
i must be strong!
GoGo! Jia you!


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