Wednesday, August 29, 2007

the kid'S of SKFC. haha...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

frenzship sometimes develops in ways beyond our understanding. frenz comes in all kinds. some are sensitive and easily hurt but will not tell u. some just come and go and do not treasure the frenzship as much as u do. others leave a footprint in ur heart. wadever kind of frenz u have. there are always many more waiting to know u and to be ur frenz.

one: cling onto ur frenz and feel miserable.
two: let go and feel free to develop new frenzships.

if u choose to cling on. u will keep focusing on the things that ur frenz does in school and seeing her with her new found frenz will only make u disappointed and sad. u have tried talking to her but she has avoided u. u can try writing to her if u like. after doing all u could and ur frenz still chooses to ignore u. than let go. u cannot control ur frenzs behaviour. but u can control urs. if u let go. u give urself the freedom to move on and make new frenz. letting go means to be strong on the inside; to be strong enough to accept reality and to be strong enough to cope with the change. it means we do not see ourselves as victims but as victors who can decide wad to do with wad happens to us. so when u see ur frenz again. hold ur head up high and give a smile. perhaps u could even get to know her new found frenz.

rmb: when a frenz walk out on u. u can let another in.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

all in black! haha :D

Monday, August 06, 2007

haiz~ working on thur. cant see the fireworks ): haiz~ haiz~