Thursday, December 13, 2007

upload photo again! haha.

went out with my jia fei mao... haha. so fun sia. went le a lots of places...

iszit nice? haha.

jia fei mao is trying clothes... haha.

do i look like them? haha.


Monday, December 10, 2007

photo upload!

siao lian eh & stupid siao eh!

stupid siao eh.

Monday, December 03, 2007

ni yao ji de.

neng gou yu shang zi zhi xi huan de ren.

shi yi jian zui xin fu de shi.

suo yi ni yi ding yao hao hao zhen xi.

wu lun yu dao shen me wen ti.

du bu yao qing yi fang qi.

zhi yao ni ai ta jiu shen me wen ti du ke yi jie jue.
upload photo!

my zinc bag.

this from my laopo.

hihi... haha

oh... my beautiful leg. haha.

see wad see..! huh!? haha.

is this mickey cute?

baobei and me...

this from mami...

this from laopa and mami... haha.
oh no... its been long time didnt update my blog le. my blog got lots of dust... haha. maybe i will update only happy things. and i will stop saying abt unhappy things..! its make me so... bu shuang!