Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yo! this mon i start sch. with seok and sheri... quite use to it. Lol. the first 3 days was orientation. its quite boring... haha. also got roadshow of cca. and i choose rollerblade! haha. when class time. its quite sian... cos they always like to break! and break time we don know wad to do. Lol. i don like the time lor. its damn long lah. almost everyday 3plus onwards than go home... i don like lor. and our teacher damn funny lah! HAHA! u can laugh at him when he was talking. its damn funny... next week ping and manyu coming in le. Yeah!(:

CENG CENG CENG! today went out with 2yun's. Lol. we went to marina square eat pizza hut. walk around and home...


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