Tuesday, June 13, 2006

hahaha... today pei yun so wet and smelly!!

haiz... today sleep until 5 than wake up. i thought today cannot go out liao than after i bath liao i ask my mom see whether i can go out anot!! after that she say can than i eat finish dinner pei yun call me and ask where is me? than i say i still at home lor, she say faster than i say ok must let me rest mah haha... i reach kfc liao than sit there wait for kfc to close than ready to make pei yun hahaha... li yun call pei yun take out her spect, i help take than li yun pull her outside and they all use towel to tie her hands don let move haha and her sat down they all take whatever thing all throw her hahaha... she wet and smelly, eeeee hahaha!! =) than she go bath and change clothes hahaha so funny wahaha!! =)


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